Friday, May 31, 2013

Louisahere and reporting on my enthusiastic and
enjoyable viewing last night of "Les Miserables" I saw 
it last was a very long movie and I managed to stay
awake for all of it...I was completely intrigued by the performance of Hugh Jackson and Ann Hathaway....and pleasantly surprised to be likewise intrigued by Russel Crowe's performance...To see Hugh Jackson in the beginning in his pathetic state of anguish...took me to a sympathetic place for him....Ann Hathaway's song full of pathos and pain....I wanted to put my arm around her and tell her...It will be okay honey...come home with me.....Russell's songs done with equal passion and powerful emotion were riveting. All in all the movie was fascinating and satisfied my love of a movie done every way....Let me know what you all thought ...about Les time I will share my love of movies ...I'm especially a faithful fan of movies of the past....way past...I'll let you know....Get back to me about your faves....
See you in the funny papers.......Louisa


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Brain overload....and it hurts...........................

Lots going that part of me that does my thinking...
that would be you are full of so many things...
Well why not...what would it be like to wake up and have
absoultely nothing on your mind...Uhhh..really thats bad...
Don't want to be there.. Folks...those of you who might be
interested...maybe just is good...
These are the things that are on my mind....for myself...really
my self's best interest...There are other more important things
on my and good health for my 
loved ones...and friends...for some to find the Lord... But for
this morning let me share my "Unfinished Business".....1. to
sell my story that I wrote of my parents life...called...........
Margaret's Journey...2. to sell my invention...first to secure
a patent for it...can't tell you what it is..or I would have to 
kill know that old joke...!!!....3. Sell my art work of
which I seem to produce like the proverbial rabbits and their
many bunnies...........Well if the stars are aligned properly I 
may start on one of these this very minute...better go while
the motivational particles that usually sleep are stirring....and 
I'm listening to my beloved I-pod..I kiss this i-pod I love it so...
I'm listening to my extra beloved "Il Divo" group....tenors one
and all and beautiful to my receptive and appreciative ears.....
my fave....the fella from Spain...but Frenchie is a doll....ok.
I',m wondering....
Caio dear ones....whoever you are..."Where ever YOU are...
See you in the funny papers....................Louisa
Perhaps a painting to day...Si.....


 Right now predominantly the folks in Oklahoma
City who have been devastated by the hideous tornado
that took away human life, and brought huge expanse of destruction in it's ferocious wake...lives gone...and hearts gone...and hearts broken....lives forever
more changed and memories darkened by this unexpected
horror.....And still life goes on...the resilience of human beings...and the power of the human once again
visible...alive and well...struggling to move forward...I admire these qualities of man kind...and I know that this good city will rise again........
Good night.................Louisa

Monday, May 27, 2013


Thank goodness for this holiday...that we never
forget to pay our respects to the military hero's ...
To honor them with attention is the least we can do...
For they are beyond special... their ultimate sacrifice 
should never be forgotten....
I had a brother who was in the Army and in the Korean
War....mind you when he was in his 60's I decided to send
him a Veterans day card......first time ever....his response to
this card was a complete surprise and wake up call to me...
(by the way he was about 15 years older than I...) He thanked me
and said besides our mother... no one in our family ( 5 siblings he and I had) had ever acknowledged his service to our country....I was so taken aback to hear this...and my shame was great...for myself and for my siblings....Never again did I forget him...and consequently my own son who as a Marine Reservist served our country in the Iraq war (2003)....I acknowledge him my son with great pride and huge praise for his service.....and anywhere I'm at ....airport, etc...if I see a military person or person's ...I go right up to them and say thank you for serving our country....always this brings many ...why thank you ma'am...and they say it with big beautiful smiles...It is so rewarding to me...such an honor to do so...So folks making this short for now...Someone I know said I should keep my blog posts short...geez sometimes that is hard because the words just spill out with their own abandon and I forget to pull the plug on what my run away brain is espousing....That's my story and I'm sticking to it................
Ciao.....see you in the funny papers................Louisa

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Finnan Haddie..........................

Answer.............Smoked Haddock!.......

Let me know who knew that...

THE EGRET AND ME.......................

I know an egret and here is the reason why.....
I live by a park with a wonderful and huge lake...
The times I have walked in the park...getting in some
exercise....I see an egret there from time to time...this
was many months a few days later I was sitting in my do all room...some t.v....painting...writing, etc...and look out the window and low and behold what do I see on the pine tree out there...but a big beautiful Egret...sitting there...all white and first dark and
bizarre thought is that it followed me home and was going to like hang around me and my yard...silly I know...sick I know...then sometime later it was back on the I go to another window where I can see the neighbors back yard and it hits me like a ton of "hit me bricks" that the bird is not there because he likes my it is because our neighbors have a nice little pond full of Koi fish....BUT these neighbors also have 3 yes 3 large hound dogs...and this is the insuing scenario... that has taken place many times....big white bird jumps in yard...(dogs are inside...yikes 3 big bruisers inside....not for me) and of course I and my husband watch as we anticipate the egret to stab a koi fish and fly away with the catch of the day...this has not yet happened at least not in front of our fascinated and curious sometimes the egret makes a motion as if his beak will enter the water...we have not seen anything beyond that...what we have witnessed often is the neighbors getting a whiff that Mr. or Mrs. egret is in the pond and the dogs come flying out the door as our lovely egret takes off into the sky...beads of bird sweat pouring down his very long neck... the 3 hounds content in their protection of their owners koi fish...(side note...tho I have seen these same hounds have a complete melt down around that koi fish pond, resulting in a barking frenzie ....It is a constant assault on my ears ...on my nerves...and my whole being... I will share more at another husband who is hard of problem for him....these barking moments...) anyhoo...sometimes the dogs start their nightmare cacophony and I run to see if Whitey has landed on the not I see that the hounds are looking toward another area...and I make a mad dash to another room where the view allows me to see more of this glorious bird/dog interaction...and sure enough the egret is on their my view of it is so close and I feel the excitement rush up in my if I'm on an african egret within arms reach...I sit on the table by that window...and buddy egret starts to walk around...soon he is out of site and I find myself cursing him for doing that...I jump off the table and jump up and his head is moving out of sight...other times I sit there and lean...with my hands or arms up against the window sill...until numbness has set in...can you imagine...that is crazy and I am now an egret watching addict...Thank God my mother is not here to see this...
So that is about it ...I reckon know is not as if I don't have a life of any kind...but I have to I love my time with my egret from the park....this is the part of life that one might say is insignificant...but for me not so....It enhances  my day...that day...that moment when I look out and my bird friend is there...Should the egret spear a koi fish...knowing me I would probably feel a little bad for the Koi....should the dogs come out and be so swift that one of them catches the egret...and I see scream will fill up the neighborhood...the park and maybe that can never ever happen...while I am enjoying this creature with the big big wings. and the long long beautiful egret....
I leave you with thoughts of your favorite bird...or maybe a thought of anything that makes you smile....
 Tho my picture is not that good I will try to post it if not now then on next post....something like that....
See you in the funny papers............Louisa

Saturday, May 25, 2013

3 WITH FEATHERS..................................................

Dear ....all of you.....
Let me share what I've learned about
Memorial Day... This day honors our
fallen troops...all branches of military...
Our fallen heroes....It originated in the
years following the civil war...It was once
called Decoration Day...It became an 
official holiday in 1971....and marks the
beginning of summer....Good info ...from
me to you...there's no charge...Hee! and Ha!
How many of you have ever seen a bird nest...?
How many of you have ever seen a bird nest with
baby that thar nest...Well on our side yard
eaves...there is just such a nest....and there is 
baby birds in it...I see 3....and with my super eye-ball
enhancing binoculars...I see 3 little mouths...(actually
not so little those mouths) open and ready to receive
the regurgitated "Whatever" (yuck!!) from mama bird....
It absolutely tickles my warm blooded vertebrate place in
my upper cerebellum have seen mama and papa 
bird fixing up the nest....sitting on the eggs...( this part not
visible)...then a few days ago...smallish movement and then
the small head action with open mouths popping hither and dither...
Sooooo fun....sooooo interesting to see and enjoy....Don't know how long they will be there....I will report as much as I can for all
of you peeps...( good one!!) to feel like you are right here with me....taking in this baby bird fun.....Gods creatures.....they are like
flying all over the place....all over the world...Neato....
How many of you... my thousands of reader friends...know what..
Finnan Haddie is.....the winner will receive luggage...used with a broken zipper...but still a gift from my heart...Lets see I think I'll tell you on my next post...oh yes  ...they don't call me lady with the formidable and unique mind for nothing...waiting will draw hundreds more of you to me...So tune in Sunday 5-26...and I will
tell you the answer...Wait with baited breath!!
And now for one of my jokes that has been part of my joke repertoire for nigh on 40 to 45 years or so...Okay...the man goes into a  psychiatrist's office and says...I'm a wig-wam...I'm a te-pee...I'm a wig-wam...I'm a te-pee...and the psychiatrist says ....relax...relax....your to tense!!!!...I's a good one...huh....
Love people who can laugh at a good joke....I got more where that came from....So I say enjoy yourself this 3 day your families lots of love....and remember to appreciate....remember to praise someone....( oh to see them smile!)
AND I 'm happy to see that I got me a follower...I am ecstatic and I'm happy ...
And remember that I will see you my the funny papers.............Ciao......Louisa............(no it's not Dottie!!) say please show one of your cute little paintings...well if you can I say no to you....So here is 
one...........................Did I put this one on before...I'm oldish...can't remember at the moment...Come on let me know what you think of my paintings...I like and I need me some input on this my Classic Doodling art......

but I love me my dots...............


Thursday, May 23, 2013

GO CREATE THE BEST LIFE POSSIBLE...........................................

The above quote is a continuation of my
thoughts about Valerie Harper from yesterday...that quote is from Valeries mother...I want to share it because I like it so is so meaningful poignant...for our life will not just materialize out of thin air...Go create your tells us to move go forth with excitement and enthusiasm...make a plan....follow aware of your prospects...don't be complacent...don't stagnate...don't procrastinate...(to much or for to long)know there will be ups and downs...normal to have them...understand your choices...they are important and sometimes irreversible...
sometimes proud in your accomplishments...and forgiving of your mistakes....What you create is yours and yours alone...and for you to share if you like...embrace your it and it will serve you is something I read...don't unfortunately know the author...
Human life is precious and holy and there is some glorious design and purpose to it in nature and to our existence.....
Blessings to you all.........

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

GLASS HALF FULL....HALF EMPTY..............................

I was reading about the actress Valerie Harper.....
for some of you youngbloods.....she was on the
Mary Tyler Moore show many years ago...and then
her own show Rhoda.....she has been diagnosed with
brain cancer....73 years of age...and she is taking this
news with a chin up attitude...with grace and with
optimism...I salute this lady and her courageous and
gutsy stand against this type of cancer....Were I her
I fear my attitude and outlook would be bleak and
pathetic....for I tend to see the glass as half empty...
and have done so as long as I can remember...I
would much rather see the glass as half full...for that
gives one a sense of hope and well being...not of
dire results and darkness...Well anyway I wish you
well Valerie Harper...You are a lovely example of
holding on to all the best attributes a human being
can possess when faced with the biggest challenge
of ones life.....
This life we all have is so precious and can be so
rewarding....what kind of reward is seen in the eye
of the rewards have
become simple...contented life for my loved ones...
good health for them..and myself...relationships that
are warm and loving...a beautiful music
that takes me away...the big marshmallow clouds
that I pull up a chair in the yard to sit and look at...
What about you folks out there...what gives you
simple and rewarding pleasure...I hope to hear from
you...those who know who Valerie Harper is...that
would be my generation...drop me a line or two...
tell me anything you would like...I'm a good listener...
and am looking forward to some visitors in my blog
house.....Come one... come all.............
Ciao with a nice fist pump or is it bump for ya all...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Looking for some attention here from will do....cuz I'm feeling a little bit a loose ends with my lonely and frustrated little blog is getting no love ...and I expected so much from you out there...Silly me ....trusting me....blogging needy me...blogging fool of all times...Don't you remember what is a dyed in the wool maxim....Expect nothing...nada .....from others and one will benifit from this cold and lonely mind it will prevent one from getting late for me ...cuz i'm feeling a bit blue...don't know what to do...(there's a song title there...huh!) So gonna sign off now...important things ahead of me this night..."Dancing With The Stars" is on....Can't miss...these dancers par excellence....they have greatly entertained me of an evening...But know this....I.......louisahere still need YOU are...please be there for me....and I will reciprocate...come on ....your my everything...ouuuh bye "Stars on.......................................................Where will I see betch.....In the funny papers.......Louisa

Monday, May 20, 2013

HEY FUNNY FACE.....I LOVES YA...............

Apple from my fruit bowl....hanging out with pear from my fruit bowl...
Reminds me of Rodney King.....You guys remember him....He said...
People can't we just get along..........Amen brother...................
And keep Oklahoma City in prayer and thoughts....Louisa...........

You like paintings that will knock your socks off...TAKE A LOOK........

Here's my little bird house...I've painted many and they are happier for it....
As you see my painting is really just a bunch of colors schmooched on and
then I line each color in black ....this Louisa method then gives me the opportunity
to see different things in each color area...sometimes I just put a dot for an eye and
a smudge for a nose and walla...there seems to be a doggie... anyhoo...will you please
give me some feed back on these paintings of you see them here...I would be
over the hill I mean over the top appreciative for your feedback...heck yes ...that is
what this blog is all about...hearing from the folks out there...
Here it is Monday...(where has this year gone...already) I will be concentrating today on
this and that about the art walk I will be taking my "Stuff" to come June (middle of) here in one
of my neighboring cities...Some folks...(especially those that love me a lot) love my paintings and
encourage me to try to sell them...sure I want to sell them...Don't forget my past post...where I tell
you about the artist who sold his blue canvas with the white line down the center for millions...Geez Louise I'm not looking for big money just a little something that tells me that some dude or dudette 
would like one of my paintings in their home...(actually in their home....) be still my heart......
Okay my darlings...I know I'm a bit forward perhaps calling you all darling...but I love words of
endearment and I feel truly endeared to you all...and I've been known to be overly peeps...say something to me......I want to hear from you.....Pretty Please.....
See you dears in the funny papers.....................................Louisa

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Louisa is here...but don't have much on my mind....
So would you like to read another one of my poems....
Please...please settle down...of course I will share one
with you my followers of gargantuan proportion....Let me
get my poem folder.... this is called.....
"Lonely Hearts"
I see them on the streets each day...wretched souls who've
lost their way...they walk and walk...and rarely talk...except
to themselves...perhaps to are you today.....
I do believe their quite forlorn...their worldly goods they
do adorn...somewhere in time...families they had...where have
they is so be alone upon the streets...up and down
through each town...their lives revolve around this walk...there is
no clock...that's all they this routine...devoid of self esteem...
From dawn to night...this is their plight...dear them with
all your much there loved...that there not alone...not with
You upon the throne..........................................
One of my sadder poems...It is incomprehensible to see these people...
to know that they may not sleep in a bed....under a roof that night...
Very sad indeed....
Okay I will say ciao for this day .....until another day...........
Stay well..........................................Louisa

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hello and all...
Special day this of my children
born this day....Special special day....
Did I tell you I'm a bit of a pack rat...
but for me it is not to bad...cuz I'm also a
neat nick...I have to have order...well my kind
of order...example...ya know those sturdy box's
we get like from Costco ( they put our food in) ....
well I have 3 or 4 that I have decoupaged with
wrapping paper...they then look pretty...and this
is where I keep my vast collection of "things"...all
my articles that I must save...pertaining to events..etc...
all and anything that grabs me in my really important
brain cell over the years I have of course
purged myself of these yellowing papers, etc.... and when
I do that I feel alright...because I have not really even looked
at them in a very long I can tell's okay
your collection is ever on going anyway....what I
have a hard time getting rid of is greeting cards...I'm
sure I have all that my mother ever gave me...starting as
a teen...a few from my father...and all from my kids...and
some from my siblings...why is it hard to throw those out...
someone out there know...well I suppose that is just part of
they being of such sentimental value and part of our past
that we like revisiting...and then thinking of those folks at
that moment...that is not bad...but ones collectables must be
kept in some kind of order...God help the O.C.D. people out
there...for they are needing help...and our understanding and
sympathy...I can't imagine living like that....
Well I must say Ciao for now...I'm off to a very nice party
celebrating a child...and I will surely smile and laugh some...
being in the presence of children for a few hours...blessed am
I for that....children God's gift to all......
See you my dear's in the funny papers........Louisa........
You say leave a painting....I shall do as you request.....

Friday, May 17, 2013

Fellow homosapiens....Can you imagine winning the
ji-normous ( yes that spelling looks right!) power ball
lottery...oh what I could do with that kind of money...
family first with all needs and dreams met...then
to give to so many worthwhile charities out there...
so many people who need a break...some help along
their way....So I gotta win....good bye two dollars in
my wallet.....
How many of my thousands of readers know the lady
called Joni Eareckson Tada...she became a parapalegic
many years ago and now does inspirational appearances
everywhere...telling her compelling story of courage...
life challenged to the max and how she overcame these challenges...
She uses her beautiful voice to entertain her audience...
her husband of many years...( I think his name is Ken) is
at these appearances by her side and in life by her side...
loving her and accepting her...Here is another women...
similar to Joni...(by the by her name is pronounced Johnny
love it)...her name is Renee Bondi...also a parapalegic; who
had an remarkable fiance who married her after she become a
parapalegic...Renee sings Christian music...her voice like an
angel...she gives me much pleasure on my i-pod...and much
encouragement with her positive and lovely mind set about
her circumstance in this life of ours....Check them out if you
This is one for the complaint dept....sometimes when I answer
the call of a tella marketer....and I give them my courteous (is the o
really necessary in this word...I think not!) yet firm no...boom some
hang up ....very unceremoniously...very rudely....and to be fair some
say ...have a good day....I like the have a good day....and the others
can go fly a kite...I appreciate (grudgingly) their making a living...
but hanging up shows how lacking their character is...Shame on you....
I'm thinking this blogging thing I'm attempting will be a way to make
the ol' brain cells flourish and start marching to a new drummer for the
sake of my over all mental well know keep the bad brain
"stuff" away for more time to come...the very strong attempt to simply
 think of a word that suits me... how can the gray matter not like that
enormous it's all good...huh!
Well darling people...I'm going to say Ciao for this Friday afternoon....
and wish you all a splendid and lovely weekend.....Show a painting ...
you know I can't say no to you....

 See you in the funny papers..........Louisa

Thursday, May 16, 2013

"Hummingbird feeder so dear...thanks for bringing
the hummingbirds near...I fill you up with the sugar
water you so love...your beaks like straws...taking
it in...into your bodies so tiny...oh how you enjoy...
this treat...when I see you I jump to my feet...Don't
want to miss a single bring me so much
fun...for I stare and always say...thank you dear Lord
for this tiny of put on this earth."
Where I sit to type a large window...and I see
the huge pepper my back yard...many birds
like this tree and some squirrel's too...lately large
birds with bright yellow breasts and black feathers on
the back have started feeding at the hummingbird feeder...
and (sorry to say) this has annoyed me greatly....until I
realized that this yummy water place is "open" to all
God's "birds"...since these birds (we think they are Orioles)
posses longish beaks... who am I to say they shouldn't
be drinking there...once this revelation set into my "bad
attitude brain cell place"...I felt cleansed and renewed beyond
words...not really...I threw that in for a big profound moment
Okay I must run along...well I don't really run so much anymore...
not really at if there were (or was!)  a little one drowning in a pool...
yes I could run like nobody's business...but generally I walk at a
comfortable pace for myself...tho at the market or such a place...
I will park far way....this I do because I can get my work out of the
day done...yes I consider 50 feet or so a work out...and it gives me
such a know I am giving my body know a little bit of
healthy there you have thoughts of such magnitude
that it almost makes me cry....kleenex please..............
See you all in the funny papers....
Here is a painting...hope you like...............

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dear folks....
My mind is ablaze with much today...some gobbelygook no doubt...
some closer to Rocket Science level...Not...
One thing I'm feeling gratitude...big...huge amounts of it...for so many children...grand health...the people in my life....
gratitude for me that I have Jesus in my life....Tell me...when was the last
time you looked in the center of a flower oh my....I just did that today
in my bathroom...right my bathroom where I keep 3 small vases ...and in
those vases I put a rose...a little geranium...whatever is wanting to come in
from outside...( these from my garden...mind you...tho I have been tempted to twist the
stem of some pretty little thing at the neighbors...) why are they in my bathroom...( as
well as the rest of my house)...cuz sometime back I put one there and oh how I loved
looking at it while brushing my teeth...and such...what is the such!!! So I get a chance
to really look into the depth of any given flower...and what I see tells me big time...
that God's plant and flower creations are beyond ...beyond...beyond belief...why some
look the way they do and others don't...why this gorgeous color or that one..this is one
way that I "Stop" and smell the the by who's familiar with the flower called
"Stock"...the scent of this flower should be is truly a spectacular
the Gardenia....and some roses.....Lord where'd you get those scents from????
Here's something I need and want to comment on....Saw that an artist by the name of
Barnett Newman sold a large painting....for the whopping sum of...hold on to your hats...
$43.8 million smakaroos....I know...but wait here is a description of this painting...It is a
large blue canvas...with a single white line going down the center....not even two white
lines...but just one...Honest...check it out yourselves...I'm not making this up....So tho I
myself paint already....I say to all of you ...start painting folks....get a big house paint brush
and cover the canvas well with your favorite color....then when it's dry....get another brush and
carefully...carefully I say....paint the white strip down the center...and get it to an art dealer...
There is another art is called "Attachment Art" you get your old rake and then
you glue those dried flowers to the handle...and why not add that arrow that has been lying around
the garage floor ( from when you took the archery lessons) ( gota just say hard to find a word in the dictionary when you think it starts "art"artchuary!!!) throw on there an old screw driver...and wala
you got a piece of art...that I hear sells like hotcakes....It's okay...its all good....
Joke.....why was the broom late...cuz he over swept....I know ...some of my jokes are lame...notice I said some....I got good ones for down the road...( say any one out there??)...
Do any of you wonder who came up with this "Hash tag" business...don't know why the heck I find
that so annoying...( so many important things to be annoyed at) but it annoys me to much...and I try not to be annoyed by this Hash Tag craze...but to me it is not a good craze...kind of dumb ...I think....
Well think I'll go make lunch....tuna sandwiches sound good to you....are you pickle people...yes or I have to have pickles with my sandwiches....basic dill....or bread and butter kind...Okay I'm wondering some .....Better let my thousands of readers go for today...Shall I put one of my paintings that I would sell for like $75.00....well more if I can get it....!!! I see that my post can have grammatical errors and that okay with you my thousands of me it's not that important...Let me know....will ya...the spelling I take care of (thank you webster) I don't want you to think I'm a total ignoramus....
See you in the funny papers....................Louisa

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hello fellow people.....
I'm listening to Mark Anthony...he is Jennifer Lopez's
ex....I have 3 of his songs on my beloved I-pod...why the
3 songs are awesome and his voice is the same
vein with my man Elvis and Roy young bloods
got no clue...huh...( wait if there are any young bloods laying eyes
on my blog!!) Anyway....his voice grabs me with an emotional pull
that is remarkable...really no voice since Elvis has (male) done that...
Yes I know I'm old ...but music can create the same intense sense of
magic ( and feeling like your on a stage somewhere ...with a microphone in your
hand!!!!...oops that was my secret of them!!!) whether your
young or thinks....To say that music is very important to me is like
saying I love me a yummy snickers ice cream and the same...really
I think they both satisfy a hunger of a for the taste for the heart....
When I was young we girls were crazy over Elvis...even if he couldn't sing...I'm sure we would have  swooned simply over that face...what a combination...good....good....good ( yes 3) looks and a voice like an angel... (well his slow romantic songs...they were the ones we would melt over...) I'm talking I was 15...boy crazy to the max....and in love with Mr. Presley....Another voice and his music that we listened too....Johnny Mathis...and the group that sang...."Smoke Gets In Your Eyes".... was that "The Pretenders".....Going down music memory lane I am..........but that is how long I have been in love
with music....songs...singers...instrumentals...they have to just reach in and grab me...other wise a song or any music falls deaf on my love of music surly developed because my father was a singer....a tenor...similar to Placido father had a beautiful voice....anyone know the beautiful song "Granada" father sang it with great panache....Okay guess I'm wondering..
Will reel myself in and put this musical post out there for my thousands of readers...I guess it is rather mundane....but don't tell me that you think that...cuz I cry easily.....J.K.....that is for just know...I need to be savvy...oh yeah!!
So dear people and strangers alike..........I will see you in the funny papers......Louisa
Going to find you an example of how I that will be this here little bird house....

Monday, May 13, 2013

My thousands of followers!!!!Are you there!!!!
Just kidding....I likes to think someone is reading this...
So a new week is a starting....I told you I'm a senior...
I pretty basically was a homemaker most of my adult life...
with a part time job of some sort...(mostly sales) thrown in
here and there along the way...My husband was the  designated
bread winner and I stayed home and raised my arrangement
I loved and proved to be the very best at, as my husband was a very
skilled man in his field and I barely graduated high high
level of skills are for me and me alone to know...cuz I'm humble and
don't like to brag...i.e. I got none.... That's not true...I'm just kidding...
Second time I've said that...I have for the last 13 years or so written
poetry....good poetry...I say that with no reservations...because "I" like
my poems...and when all is said and done...If we are not pleased with
our efforts at whatever it is that comes down the pike for us to
accomplish...then it's not happening for us in a way that gives us that
awesome feeling of ....something we've done the best of our
abilities...Would you like to read one of my poems...Yes...well now your I will do as you say....This is called...The Moon and I.....
I saw the moon from my window tonight...much to my delight...there it was...
watching me...It seemed....all beamed...I'd look now and
see it again...bemused at the sight....of the the if it had come
to give me some fun....thank you dear moon...that you came to my room....please
come again....whenever I'm in....I'm happy to chose me to show...your
amazing the dead of the night.....
I'm hoping you liked that....I have more I'll put in here "my lovely blog"....from time
to time...
Today while doing some errands....I relished my air conditioning blasting away at my
old yet satisfied face...I praised God for that....knowing so many people plus our beloved
troops don't have this luxury...our super 9 year old Lexus I also do not take for granted...
the best and most expensive car we have ever had...bought in our twilight years...surly the
last care we will buy before we go crockit...eee....croke.....but who cares about that....

Would you like to see one more of my paintings....Oh please please don't beg...its so hard
for me to say no to thousands of readers...( probably just one of you!!! or NONE!!!)
So here goes....I leave you till next time....And I will see you in the funny papers.....

Friends Romans and Countrymen........
Lend me your dear ears.....
Louisa here and I'm listening to
Celine Dione's "Have You Ever Been In Love"
so I'm in my beautiful Celine voice other dimension...
For that women's voice takes me into a musical high....
that translates really into pure joy.....Okay Louisa Here
is wondering...I'm a senior lady and I seem to enjoy letting
my thoughts (goofy as they sometimes are) like a box go into
every corner...
So I hope you all had a lovely Mothers Day...I own
precious mother has been gone for exactly 30 years...Margaret
was her name and she was special beyond belief...more about
my dear mom another time.....
Why am I writing a blog...dont just came to me that all
the words I have inside of me want to come be shared with
others...( dang what if no one reads any of "Me") oh well...anyway
I like people...a trait I recieved in spades from my mother...she
never met a stranger...Don't know that I appreciated that when I
was younger...the women on the street she would tap on the shoulder
to say..."Your baby's beautiful"..oh how that mother would beam...
and so did mom...for she new ( I'm getting a little emotional here)
she knew how easy it is to make another human bean ( that should be being!!!)
 smile and feel good...Don't cost a penny....she would say...Now I do that to...I once
followed a women (my age) around the market just to say "If I
had good looking legs like you...I would be wearing shorts too"...
When she realized I was not a complete nut case, and was not
about to harm her....she smiled ...big and said...
Why thank you so much...but it is especially rewarding to compliment
the babies...the toddlers...there the ones I see the most while I'm out...
They give me so much....children's faces sweet innocent...
to see one is a treat for me...and I smile like crazy...I appreciate that so much....
because you know smiles do not come to most of us to readily...
Geez...well that word put me in the oldster category...I do like it though...
geez...geez...geez...okay better I say to you my thousands of readers!!!!
See you in the funny papers..........Louisa.........
Thought you would like to see my paintings...You like!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Here's to my new blog! 

Be on the lookout for stories coming soon.....Louisa