Friday, June 20, 2014

Keep waiting and it will happen.............

Don't give up on your African Violet plants...This one did not bloom for over one year ....
And look at it now....and every day I lift it up and look at it really close and say thank you...
thank you for your gorgeous pink and shimmery flowers that lift me up....Way up....!
That's all folks......will I see you in the funny papers.......Hope so.......Louisa.............

Monday, June 16, 2014

Celebration Choice.................

I see there is a huge parade for the Hockey win!....Fiddle sticks!!....
Where are the ticker-tape parades for our beloved troops...We
should be pouring the confetti down on them...Hero's everyone!!
However our priorities and our mindset are way off....Way off....
It's the athlete's that make enormous salaries...while our troops make a pittance in comparison....Shame on America.............
Ciao to any reader.....who should favor me with attention!