Wednesday, November 30, 2016

John Glenn..

Read this somewhere....liked it and now sharing it with you all.....
A beautiful example of what the saying "Beauty is in the eye of
the beholder"... means .
John Glenn...original Mercury 7 astronaut married Anne...Anne
had a severe stuttering condition...unable to have any kind of
regular conversation...and yet John fell in love with her...years
later she finally found someone who helped her with her speech
impediment and at the age of 52 she could speak normally. She
now gives public talks and Anne knows very well the sweet
value of the saying " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" thanks
to the wonderful and inspiring John Glenn.....
This one of many good and decent and uplifting examples of mans
ability to rise above what some would consider a huge and impossible
challenge and some men would have turned away from Anne and walked
away...and perhaps some did....So John Glenn saw way beyond this speech
impediment of Anne's and how richly blessed they both were for his ability to
do so.....His heart surely won out....
Good bye for now my dear and maybe John Glenn like followers....
Louisa will see you down the road....perhaps in those funny papers....
Take good care.....hear!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Hello my fellow humans......
Said by a former friend.....
I don't want to eat a whole dessert...Lets just
get two forks!!!!!................Hee!Hee!....Ha!Ha!
See you my the funny papers...
Louisa here.......xo

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hello there....Louisa here...haven't been in awhile....No reason
cuz you know I love it here....
I think this information is interesting and I sure enough hope you
"my thousands of followers" I hope very much you find it of interest
as well...this is what motivates me to be here on my itty bitty blog....
sharing so you all can read and see what ya it suits you
or not....Okay....i'm getting wordy....!!
Music is not just powerful for patients with Alzheimer's disease or other
neurodegenerative disorders. Music evokes a powerful release of emotion
in almost every human soul. It can lead to snapping fingers and dancing feet, to touch, to interconnectivity. And while listening to music activates the right side of the brain, singing
brings the left side
 to life, creating a "whole brain" clarity that elevates mood, engages the
spirit, and reduces stress and anxiety. Every living person has a unique " favorite's list" but
it's a safe bet that music played during formative times of life (early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood) will be linked to the greatest emotions.....Si es verdad....
Some of my favorites.....
Don't ...Elvis Presley
Really everything Elvis....
Chances Are....Johnny Mathis
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes....the Platters....
Moon River...Andy Williams....
Everything Celine Dione...............
So many many more...for music does what the above statement describes....It takes me out of
myself and puts me at the moment in a place of the highest and sweetest demention..........
See you dear the funny papers....Louisa Here.......

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Strength of will......

There's a place in the high desert just inside of Jordan where thousands
of Syrians have fled to from the brutal civil war of their country....the story
goes on to tell of how some of these displaced human beings...have cut
a larger window in their pre-fab...for a place to set out their goods to sell..
There need to live a normal life is a testimony to their spirit... I salute and
admire these traits of perseverance...initiative...and hope...we Americans
most of us cannot even in a million years imagine what they are going

Hello all of you out there....
This is the day after Halloween...we had no "action"
at our house...our place is out of the way....So bowl 
of candy has my name on it.....!
Here are a couple of my latest paintings for your
hopefully viewing pleasure....
Wanting to share my latest paintings.....Here goes....Kitty Cat.....her name is Lola.....everyone likes Lola..........More paintings to come.............See the funny papers......Louisa

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Little sumthin for you to see......................

Hello there...Hello here......
Wanting to share two things this morning...
My latest painting....done in just black and orange.....
And my little 99 cent fall wreath...made
with these knarled ....yet still efficient hands ....using
succulents and fern from the yard....So cheapo....I think
it's pretty and I likey................
I wish you my thousands of fans....the very best weekend..
Enjoy it and enjoy some good food too...
See you "WHERE" in the funny papers.....