Thursday, December 11, 2014

Recent Observation

While eating lunch at Red Robin I was allowed a view of the area where the short order
cooks are and where the server picks up the food plates....This area was so busy....the short
order cooks and servers alike moving at record high speed to keep up with the orders that
were many...My admiration for the short order cooks and servers was newly increased. The
realization of how hard and stressful this field is .....makes me want to send huge kudos to
all  restaurant workers....May their tips be given generously by all of us.....Louisa here sends
them all a well earned high five..........................Louisa

Friday, October 17, 2014

Oh sense I'm visiting my blog right now...
Want to see my latest painting....You do...
Oh good...I love that you like my art...well
I'm just guessing about that....anyway here it is...
See you my dears in my next installment...I have been a slug when it comes to my blog...well us seniors get sluggish now and then....Blame everything on being a senior...darn tootin I do!!!!!I hope to see you all....where.....In the funny papers...that is also where Robin is.....Louisa

Missing Robin Williams...............

I am a huge and impassioned fan of Robin Williams...Who doesn't love "Mrs. Doubtfire"....
There are many of Robins movies that I have never seen...I am now netflixing many...I just saw him in "Patch Adams" one could play this role but Robin...a wonderful and true story...a marvelous role for Robin...I have never seen Robins comedy concerts...probably would not be 
my cup of "Raw" tea...and Robin is fine with that.!!...However every time I knew he was going to be on a particular talk show...I tuned in...WHY was I such a big fan....because Robins all encompassing talent was so infectious and came from his very soul....his need and love to make people laugh....was intertwined in every move and mugging and sound he made...To laugh on any given day is a gift more special than most of us realize....and that's what Robin make us laugh.....
I hurt for the horrible decision he made...he was far to young to leave us.... I will miss you Robin....for I liked you so had a unique gift...R.I.P..............

Friday, July 25, 2014

Where are the CLOWNS.......................

Where are the clowns...these are the clowns that have left us...The supreme
Lucille Ball...Carol Burnett...the supreme Laurel and Hardy...Milton Beryl...Sid
Caesar...Imogene Coca...Jack Benny...Red Skelton...Bob Hope...Jonathan Winters...
George Burns and Gracie Allen...Abbott and Costello...Flip Wilson...Phyllis Diller...
Jackie Gleason...Martha Rae...Dom Deluis...Jerry Lewis...the one of a kind Charlie
Chaplain...Have I missed some...perhaps...these are the old timers...who's likes we
will not see again....What a shame some of you young bloods will
not have the pleasure to be entertained in this manner....for they were Clever...Creative...
and Original....
So I leave you with ...Have a good weekend and I will see you my dears in the funny

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A little something from Readers Digest...

I 'm not proud....I steel stuff now and then ... Readers Digest....thank you!

If you could kick the person in the pants responsible
for most of your wouldn't sit for a
month.......Theodore Roosevelt.............
                      Good one Mr. Roosevelt.....
In the funny papers folks .....that's where I will be.....

Like my new painting..............

You know I paint...not like a real painter am I....Just a doodling
painter am I.....still this pass time that has come my way some
8 years now me pleasure beyond what I could imagine...
So here is my last effort........Hope you like it ....and two empty pomegranet
juice bottles...Next time I'll show you my painting on know
from some purchase....I like to recycle....good for me...
See you all my many many perhaps thousands  of readers.....Hee!Hee! the funny papers...where my favorite peeps spend

Poem................Peace on Earth........

Can you imagine a world full of
hatred at need for revenge...that heightens the need to be equally prideful voice crying out I am hamper
our malice of heart or petty guile when dealing with
our rattling sabers....
How good to think of a world devoid of all that...surly heavens domain is
where it is at...we have to wait until we're there...and here on earth continue
the prayer...................
Thinking of Israel today.....................
Until next time dears...........Louisa................

Friday, June 20, 2014

Keep waiting and it will happen.............

Don't give up on your African Violet plants...This one did not bloom for over one year ....
And look at it now....and every day I lift it up and look at it really close and say thank you...
thank you for your gorgeous pink and shimmery flowers that lift me up....Way up....!
That's all folks......will I see you in the funny papers.......Hope so.......Louisa.............

Monday, June 16, 2014

Celebration Choice.................

I see there is a huge parade for the Hockey win!....Fiddle sticks!!....
Where are the ticker-tape parades for our beloved troops...We
should be pouring the confetti down on them...Hero's everyone!!
However our priorities and our mindset are way off....Way off....
It's the athlete's that make enormous salaries...while our troops make a pittance in comparison....Shame on America.............
Ciao to any reader.....who should favor me with attention!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Two little English girls.........................

There are two little English girls named...
Sophie Grace and Rosie..they are now and then
on the Ellen DeGeneres show....I like them
very much...Sophie Grace is the more vocal 
and uninhibited of the two...She is a little
pistol....what I like also about these two
kids is that they are kids through and through....they dress like little girl children...and as far as I can see they are
not wearing makeup....they are pure and sweetly innocent in their demeanor....Simply put they are very delightful and entertaining...It seems they now have a movie
out featuring the two of them....Maybe I'll
see it with my granddaughter...we'll see....Anyway I like very much giving them this little shout out....Sophie Grace and Rosie...Please do not change...You are a breath of fresh air..............Has been a
while since I have talked to you my dears...where ever you passion for this little louisahere blog is still strong...just not very with it lately....
I remain the lady who wants to see you all in the funny papers....Louisa................

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I'm trying to figure out why a pair of tennis
shoes are so important to some people...Read
that some people are waiting in line for the 
opportunity to buy a pair of "Wonderful" tennis
shoe... I can't even remember the name of the tennis shoe...get this... waiting in line since "SUNDAY"...I see something like this and I
spend probably more time than I should wondering why waiting in the cold for days 
would be an option for some peeps...Just saying!..
See you....some of you in the funny papers.....
Love   from       Louisa........................

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Happiness is like can't spread
even a little without getting some on you!
Author unknown.....
See you my dears in the funny papers....

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A good man Bill O'Reilly....................

What ever you may think of Bill O'Reilly...he is an enormous advocate for abused
children...And he expresses his support for these dear young souls with passion and
sympathy...both conveyed with genuine concern and sincerity....For that alone I am
a fan of his...a huge fan...Thank you Bill O'Reilly for your voice on behalf of every
child that has or is being abused....Bill goes after the judges these are pond scum judges
 who give child abuser's crazy low jail or prison time...or worse...Thanks again Bill for
what you do for these precious children.......
Until we meet again............................Louisa

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good Samaritan...........Luke 10:30-37

Here is a super example of the trend ( hopefully it is or will become a trend) paying It forward....
A women and her 8 or 9 yr. old it forward each and every day ....the mother
pays for someones meal behind her at the restaurant ...or in the fast food window...she
just asks what the bill amount is for the person behind her...or her son puts back behind
the gate the trash can of there elderly neighbor...or he helps a friend who is struggling with
some particular  homework...things like that....Inspiring and beautiful to hear....
This is something I do...give my extra coupon away at Bed Bath Behond or Michael's...really
that is nothing...get with it Louisa and pay for someones meal or at least drink...Something...
Yep....I will.....
Oh by the way I saw this women and her son on Rachel Rae...and Rachael gave them and the
husband a trip to Disney World and ...and....$10,000 ...which the women said she will use to
continue to "Pay It Forward"..........something for all of us to think about least once
in a while...and God Bless...................Louisa

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


If you smile at them.....they will smile back....
Who are "They"................................................
            Just about everybody..................

Try it....and see........
Take care and see you in the funny papers.....

Saturday, February 22, 2014

A poem by Louisa...........

God didn't make flowers plain...He gave them colors galore...with strips and polka dots...
and much more...with pedals all in a row...and pedals full and lush...with scents on sweet...
and want to bottle it to keep...have you studied an orchid of's beauty is hard to take...the design so intricate and amazing...only God could make it so...only God could make it grow...all His flowers...He gave to us...look at them close...for they will give you the most heavenly's all for free...for you and for me...we mustn't forget to see...a impatient...a snapdragon...a cosmo...a carnation...sunflower...a violet...sweetpea...lily of the nile...all will make you smile...thank you Lord...for your flowers divine...for knowing how much we needed this for me...I'll never be without a flower...there's one waiting to be admired...that little tiny
one over there...insignificant...perhaps...until you look at it closely............................
That's it folks....see you all in the funny papers.............................Louisa..............

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Conscious with heart with love..................

Saw an interview with Melissa Gates....Good to see that her and Bill
have a heart for philanthropy as big as their income...I believe that most
very wealthy people give back...I think this is true....I admire that..Oh
that I could win the much money to pass out to so many causes
of consequence...of major importance.... of humanity...what a lovely day dream this is and
has always been for family/friends...and then all the needs out there
that could be helped by the gargantuan amounts involved in these lotteries, etc.
Yes that would be a dream come true....
Well my vast and ever faithful readers of Louisahere....I'm not often on these
days...but I will probably continue as I "Totter into Antiquity" this line I
stole from Peter O'Toole...cuz I like it...Thanks Mr. O'Toole...
See you dears in the funny papers........................Louisa

Monday, February 3, 2014

My special mother...................

Read about a women in Nashville who was down on her luck and close to losing her home in
foreclosure...she came up with this idea to try to make extra money and help her situation...she
made cupcakes by the hundreds...sold them everywhere...enough to buy gas now and then...eventually she was able to catch up and save her home...this women has Determination...resilience...fortitude...these are the same words I always use to describe my dear
mother...When I was a child we lived in Mexico City for a time... our finances were becoming
very bleak...mother turned us over to her oldest daughter and everyday she went out to her counter/shop (like a kiosk) on the street to sell her home made jewelry and other trinkets...she did
what she had to do and during the course of her life...she worked (sometimes two jobs) and was our
rock and our amazing provider...these later years taking place in Calif...she passed away in 1982...
I miss her still and will always admire her...more than mere words can express...Here is a favorite
picture of her in her youth..............

Thursday, January 30, 2014


In the high desert just inside Jordan there is a refugee camp called
Za'Atari....Here thousangs of Syrians have fled to from the brutal
civil war in their country...The story goes on to tell of how many
of these refugee's  make a larger window in their one room pre-fab...
with a saw.... it is here that they put out their wares to sell....proving
that living a life of normalcy is high on their priority list. I salute and
admire their amazing perseverance...initiative...and hope...This is a
lesson for most of us Americans who cannot even begin to imagine
what this kind of life would be like...I pray that one day they can
return to their own peace
Take care all..............................Louisa

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Human Interest Story.........................................

Saw this in a People magazine...the Johnson family took
themselves and their son and his friend out one Christmas
to pass out their homemade breakfast burritos to the homeless...
I believe this was San Diego... more boys have joined the group
and they call themselves the Burrito Boyz...they have to date
passed out 51,000 homemade breakfast burritos...Wonderful to
read this....I have to say sorry football and baseball athletes...these boys are the real hero's and exceptional role models for the youth of
the world...God Bless them and their amazing hearts....full of compassion.....
So until next time dear peeps....I Louisa will see you in the funny
papers........XO Louisa

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Years Eve....2013..................

Where have they gone...all the New Years my teens they were spent with my sisters and two girl friends...thinking of boys was all we did...Elvis and Johnny Mathis...our 45 speed records did love with could say...and later with marriage and children to New Years Eve was a dress up event...with granny over to babysit...I'd have my rum and coke and dance till I was and then at home with the children we'd stay...they'd bang on pots and pans...happy to be up late...and See's chocolates we in my twilight years...content just to sit...and remember the past...the New Years so filled with laughter and gayety...not a care in the world...for that evening sublime...It's good to go back and remember this my children and grandchildren's there turn to bring in their New Years and the memories they'll have...and to ponder their old age...all that they've I wish you dear loved ones a Happy New Year...with peace on earth...'O that we would have it one day...................2013