Saturday, November 21, 2015

Little sumthin for you to see......................

Hello there...Hello here......
Wanting to share two things this morning...
My latest painting....done in just black and orange.....
And my little 99 cent fall wreath...made
with these knarled ....yet still efficient hands ....using
succulents and fern from the yard....So cheapo....I think
it's pretty and I likey................
I wish you my thousands of fans....the very best weekend..
Enjoy it and enjoy some good food too...
See you "WHERE" in the funny papers.....


Thursday, November 19, 2015

How blessed I was to find this book of poems by Ruth Bell Graham...
purchased for a mere .50 at one of my library's.....My blessing is not
just the very low and happy price...but the fact that I am a huge fan of
Ruth's ..since reading her life story sometime back...She is a delightful...
resourceful and interesting women...very down to earth....So here is
one of my favorite's from her book.....
Lord ...when my soul is weary and my heart is tired and sore...and I have
that failing feeling....that I can't take any more...then let me know the
freshening found in simple childlike prayer...when the kneeling soul knows
surely...that a listening Lord is there.............

Take care dear folks ....until next time.....Louisa...............
P.S.  As some of you may know I also like to write poems....and I found
after reading Ruth's life story...she also likes thrift stores ...recycling of great
finds for added beautifying of our I do...We are kindered
spirits in these pursuits....

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wanted you to see a couple of my new paintings.....Did I tell you
I'm looking into publishing one of those delightful coloring books...
My art would lend itself to this rather thinks...and so
I am asking a couple of publishers if they agree. I'm letting God
lead me for His control over me is essential for my life's comfort
and well-being...........If this happened for me ...I would be over
the moon and right now I'm excited at the possible prospect...BUT
with cautionary over tones.....Blippity blippity Blop!.........
So lets see if I can successfully get those two pics of my art here..
Love to you allllllll.....and I'm waiting to see you in the funny papers,
Louisa....Here....Sorry I'm having trouble getting the pics....Thanks
fragile and dopey bad brain cells!!!!!