Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wonderful to see.....................

Wonderful to see how many good and decent people there are everywhere...
Wonderful  to know that the majority of people are caring and helpful...
Wonderful to know how many people just want to do good for others.....
and receive nothing in return...except the most amazing and warm feeling
that they can imagine....
One such lady....started a charity called "Let one thing go"...urging people
to give up one thing now and then and donate to her organization....With
this concept she has been able to build schools....provide schools supplies...
bring clean villages in Africa...A program that is helping hundreds
and hundreds of needy children and their families....All because she wanted
to do something to "Help" others....God put that upon us...and we are better
people for it...Thank you to all who do such good works....Thank you very
Good night from Louisa.............

Monday, September 7, 2015

What God Has Promised....................

This is a poem that I have had for about 30 years...purchased from a yard sale...
Simple calligraphy done on some kind of heavy paper, surrounded by small yellow
flowers looks to be water color.....And here it is.............
                                      What God Has Promised

God hath not promised skies always blue... Flower strewn pathways....All our lives through...

God hath not promised ...sun without rain...Joy without sorrow...Peace without pain...

But God hath promised...Strength for the day...Rest for the labor...Light for the way...

Grace for the trials...Help from above...Unfailing sympathy...Undying love..................

I have given a copy to loved ones to have as their own....Hope you enjoy and feel free to

copy and have as your own...........It is something that I cherish..............

If this turns out to be a repeat...forgive me....I'm old..........
Adios to you dear peeps.....see ya in the funny papers....Louisa Here..............

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Some of my art work for you.............

I have been painting up a storm this August and Sept....hope you enjoy
seeing my art...I will be at an art fare in Oct....trying to sell as much as
possible...Space is limited and frankly not interested in it hanging around here
the ol' homestead....So lets see if I remember how to do this....Sorry if these are
repeats....Take care all ....funny papers........thats were I will see ya......Louisa

Taught myself a little something....and liking it......

Well I'm liking it because as many of you hundreds of followers...I am a
senior women...Seventy three to be exact....and today I tackled and won the
subject of ....properly using my cell phone timer...."That's it"....some might say....
Yes a huge accomplishment for this gal.....I'm not at all technically minded and
I shutter at the mere thought of starting to figure it out....but that very thing I
did earlier time my back yard sprinklers to be exact...Who needs
exact...sorry those who are bored....anyhoo I am feeling mighty good...those
of you who find all the technical stuff a piece of cake...high five me anyway....
I like praise of any kind ...Yada! Yada! Yada!!!!!           
Stay well dear ones.....see you in the funny papers........Louisa........

Why do I like Pinterest...............

Why do I like Pinterest.....It is infinitesimally better than seeing anything that is
disheartening and morbid or distressing.....We here in America have many
opportunities to see beautiful and positive things very often....Not so for many
peoples of the world who have no such opportunities...for them there is only
war and hunger extreme poverty....We are indeed blessed here...and many of us take much for
granted....including myself....This is my thinking after enjoying some this and that on Pinterest.....
Take care dear folks....and see you in the funny papers.....Louisa........