Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What Can I Do For You Today...............

What can I do for you today....can I hold your hand
so you don't feel alone...can I listen with sympathy...with
empathy...with all of me....can I speak to you with words
of comfort and hope...helping you to cope...can I lift you 
up with a prayer from my heart...can I be there for you
from the very start....Yes I want to...For Gods telling me
it cost nothing...to give of oneself...the reward will tug
at your heart....that's the lovely part....................................
Hope you my dear ones....out there.....somewhere out
there... like my newest poem ...let me know......Louisa....

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Think before you speak...............

Not for me of course...I can not be bothered 
with such a reasonable thought to derail incredibly
poor judgement that can turn out to make you or
moiw in this case look like the proverbial jackass...
Oh that I could learn to count to ten...it is not as if
I have not had enough time to do so... to know how important
it is, etc. ....What happens when I am beset with blinding and unbridled hurt feelings...my common sense brain turns off and I
go into stupid and selfish mode...this is where I'm
comfortable and where I behave with the most 
shameful melt down...this side of a three year old... and inevitably where the most regrettable behavior shines through...this is where I feel my most martyred self...from the mountain top I would go ...if I could...to shout to the world how I have been maligned and thrown to the lions....
Oh that I could do that count to ten thing....maybe next time...for I know there will be a next time...their waiting out there to cause me great pain..... with a box of kleenex for my crocodile tears.....
Well I feel better ....my loud and self serving rant has me feeling
vindicated and ready to put on the protective boxing gloves...NOT...
See you dear folks....are you out there!!!!!? in the funny papers...

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Good hearted people..............

This story in the news....a couple in Lake Huges, Calif.
have a camp ....and this camp provides a place for inner-
city kids to go to.....These inner-city kids have the time of
their lives...swimming ( some have never been swimming)...
playing games...doing crafts...going hiking....boating...all
provided by this amazing couple and  their staff...so that these kids can have the time of their lives away from the inner-city environment that is often full of gangs and fear and loneliness
and misery....God Bless this couple.....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Black Memory....

Thinking with prayers of all those who lost loved
ones on 9-11..............So much heartache and misery can
be had at the hand of evilness....This in itself is a hideous
fact that breaks the heart of most of man kind...................

Friday, September 6, 2013

Best things in life are free...................................

Just want to share how God has blessed me
lately....and that is with His amazing sky's of
the last few weeks....every time I go out of my
house to do errands, etc....I have the delightful
and beautiful sight of big marshmellow clouds
around the edges of the sky...big thick dreamy
clouds....you know the kind you could jump in
and not fall through....and in the center of the sky
soft floating ....swirling clouds.....I'm surprised that
I did not have a few accidents while driving around
town....and then there's the evening where the clouds
were salmon colored with the sunset....peachy with bright yellow  or gold edges...so beautiful that it took my breath away...I did 
not let this sight tantalize me for a short little bitty time...
oh no...I took my patio chair and put it in the center of my
back yard...and I sat there and took in this beauty that was
my gift from God at that moment....I sat there and looked up
at this beautiful sky....until it was all gone...and I was sad 
when it was all gone...as if a valuable gem had slipped away from me into the ocean...only this sunset I would see again...and it would be beautiful again and it would be different...I can hardly wait.....
I know you all know what I'm talking about...because everyone has seen a beautiful sunset....Please your next sunset...let it envelope you and rejoice in this ultimate beautiful gift....
Goodnight and see you all in the funny papers.......Louisa......