Saturday, November 21, 2015

Little sumthin for you to see......................

Hello there...Hello here......
Wanting to share two things this morning...
My latest painting....done in just black and orange.....
And my little 99 cent fall wreath...made
with these knarled ....yet still efficient hands ....using
succulents and fern from the yard....So cheapo....I think
it's pretty and I likey................
I wish you my thousands of fans....the very best weekend..
Enjoy it and enjoy some good food too...
See you "WHERE" in the funny papers.....


Thursday, November 19, 2015

How blessed I was to find this book of poems by Ruth Bell Graham...
purchased for a mere .50 at one of my library's.....My blessing is not
just the very low and happy price...but the fact that I am a huge fan of
Ruth's ..since reading her life story sometime back...She is a delightful...
resourceful and interesting women...very down to earth....So here is
one of my favorite's from her book.....
Lord ...when my soul is weary and my heart is tired and sore...and I have
that failing feeling....that I can't take any more...then let me know the
freshening found in simple childlike prayer...when the kneeling soul knows
surely...that a listening Lord is there.............

Take care dear folks ....until next time.....Louisa...............
P.S.  As some of you may know I also like to write poems....and I found
after reading Ruth's life story...she also likes thrift stores ...recycling of great
finds for added beautifying of our I do...We are kindered
spirits in these pursuits....

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wanted you to see a couple of my new paintings.....Did I tell you
I'm looking into publishing one of those delightful coloring books...
My art would lend itself to this rather thinks...and so
I am asking a couple of publishers if they agree. I'm letting God
lead me for His control over me is essential for my life's comfort
and well-being...........If this happened for me ...I would be over
the moon and right now I'm excited at the possible prospect...BUT
with cautionary over tones.....Blippity blippity Blop!.........
So lets see if I can successfully get those two pics of my art here..
Love to you allllllll.....and I'm waiting to see you in the funny papers,
Louisa....Here....Sorry I'm having trouble getting the pics....Thanks
fragile and dopey bad brain cells!!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

And red it shall be:......Here's a poem...if I have posted this here
in the past...and I am to lazy to look way back...Forgive me...
Still it is a good one...if I do say so myself....The name...
                          What can I do for you today..... 

Can I hold your you don't feel alone...can I listen with 
sympathy...with empathy...with all of me...can I speak to you 
with words of comfort and hope...helping you to cope...can I
lift you up with a prayer from my heart...can I be there for 
you from the very start...Yes I want to...for God's telling me to...
It costs nothing give of oneself...the reward...will tug at
your heart....that's the lovely part................................

My attention to Louisa here has been scant...scant what a
dippity do word....still it is a good one....Scant these many
months....I have told you thousands of faithful followers
(Hee!Hee!)....that moving going on 7 months ago interferred 
with my time ....with my mind much work and so much
"Stuff" I did get rid of at least a dozen bags of this and that and
some furniture to Goodwill....Anyway...that is now the past and
this post is the future....What happens with such a long interval
in between posts....suddenly my inner voice gives me a talk....and
says....Your blog...your little bitty blog...laying there alone and
lonely....for you....that's right is lonely for you...and
with that I fly to my old yet still operating to my satisfaction..(cuz 
what do I know from computers...) computer and my fingers fly to share on here my precious and lonely post ...all these gems ...all
these words coming out of my 73 yr. old noggin...( I have told you
my age before...have I not?) and I am satisfied and relieved that I have made peace with my precious and worthy blog....So there you
have it....Well I must say Arevou...spelled so wrong...can't find it in here phonetically you have it.....Laugh if you must...
I like the French language...My dears....and you are my dears........
Hope to see you in the funny papers.....Louisa............

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wonderful to see.....................

Wonderful to see how many good and decent people there are everywhere...
Wonderful  to know that the majority of people are caring and helpful...
Wonderful to know how many people just want to do good for others.....
and receive nothing in return...except the most amazing and warm feeling
that they can imagine....
One such lady....started a charity called "Let one thing go"...urging people
to give up one thing now and then and donate to her organization....With
this concept she has been able to build schools....provide schools supplies...
bring clean villages in Africa...A program that is helping hundreds
and hundreds of needy children and their families....All because she wanted
to do something to "Help" others....God put that upon us...and we are better
people for it...Thank you to all who do such good works....Thank you very
Good night from Louisa.............

Monday, September 7, 2015

What God Has Promised....................

This is a poem that I have had for about 30 years...purchased from a yard sale...
Simple calligraphy done on some kind of heavy paper, surrounded by small yellow
flowers looks to be water color.....And here it is.............
                                      What God Has Promised

God hath not promised skies always blue... Flower strewn pathways....All our lives through...

God hath not promised ...sun without rain...Joy without sorrow...Peace without pain...

But God hath promised...Strength for the day...Rest for the labor...Light for the way...

Grace for the trials...Help from above...Unfailing sympathy...Undying love..................

I have given a copy to loved ones to have as their own....Hope you enjoy and feel free to

copy and have as your own...........It is something that I cherish..............

If this turns out to be a repeat...forgive me....I'm old..........
Adios to you dear peeps.....see ya in the funny papers....Louisa Here..............

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Some of my art work for you.............

I have been painting up a storm this August and Sept....hope you enjoy
seeing my art...I will be at an art fare in Oct....trying to sell as much as
possible...Space is limited and frankly not interested in it hanging around here
the ol' homestead....So lets see if I remember how to do this....Sorry if these are
repeats....Take care all ....funny papers........thats were I will see ya......Louisa

Taught myself a little something....and liking it......

Well I'm liking it because as many of you hundreds of followers...I am a
senior women...Seventy three to be exact....and today I tackled and won the
subject of ....properly using my cell phone timer...."That's it"....some might say....
Yes a huge accomplishment for this gal.....I'm not at all technically minded and
I shutter at the mere thought of starting to figure it out....but that very thing I
did earlier time my back yard sprinklers to be exact...Who needs
exact...sorry those who are bored....anyhoo I am feeling mighty good...those
of you who find all the technical stuff a piece of cake...high five me anyway....
I like praise of any kind ...Yada! Yada! Yada!!!!!           
Stay well dear ones.....see you in the funny papers........Louisa........

Why do I like Pinterest...............

Why do I like Pinterest.....It is infinitesimally better than seeing anything that is
disheartening and morbid or distressing.....We here in America have many
opportunities to see beautiful and positive things very often....Not so for many
peoples of the world who have no such opportunities...for them there is only
war and hunger extreme poverty....We are indeed blessed here...and many of us take much for
granted....including myself....This is my thinking after enjoying some this and that on Pinterest.....
Take care dear folks....and see you in the funny papers.....Louisa........

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Goodnight...where have I  been...we moved and that was a high
end stress, resulting in weariness of mind and body....Today 
my blog that I have truly enjoyed popped into my senior mind and
I said to myself...go forth and post your latest poem....So my darlings....are you still in the
First who of you out there has a hummingbird feeder...Let me 
encourage you all to get one and put it (if you can) outside your
kitchen window....this is where mine is again in the "new" old 
house and my arms can and have gone numb from leaning on the
kitchen sink to wait for them to arrive ...there are three that are quite familiar now....One I call tuxedo bird...cause his chest sort of looks like a vest...the other I call red...cuz of the gorgeous red sparkling band around his neck...his ....hers.....who KNOWS......oh and the third is sort of bronzish....and this one does not always put it's little feet on the "hummingbird feet place" if its back is to me...I get to see it's little bronze bottom flutter hither and dither while drinking...most entertaining! along with these tiny creatures some large birds with bills long and slender enough to fit into the hummingbird feeder holes are in town...oh and some these big birds are a beautiful bright yellow with black pretty and some are more the hummingbirds sort of have to compete with these larger Oriels...found out name on Goggle....and they all do alright ....enough of the sweet water to go around...Okay's the poem....hope you like and if so tell me so.......Love to hear from somebody out there!
                                    A Window........
My kitchen special place...I call it joyful...this lovely space...for here is where the hummingbirds come... to sip the sweet water...that's waiting for them...made with love...eager anticipation of whats to come...for to see them and an amazing sight....and every time my heart takes flight...they lift me up...these little creatures...with all their delightful features...God's little creatures...they surely of His far.............
 Signing off until next time...maybe I will have some of my latest
paintings to post....haven't painted in a while with the move and my brain has said get going you dippity do girl....get some painting done...have some dear folks ....see you enchanting peeps in the funny papers....from         Louisa.................