Saturday, March 26, 2016

Strength of will......

There's a place in the high desert just inside of Jordan where thousands
of Syrians have fled to from the brutal civil war of their country....the story
goes on to tell of how some of these displaced human beings...have cut
a larger window in their pre-fab...for a place to set out their goods to sell..
There need to live a normal life is a testimony to their spirit... I salute and
admire these traits of perseverance...initiative...and hope...we Americans
most of us cannot even in a million years imagine what they are going

Hello all of you out there....
This is the day after Halloween...we had no "action"
at our house...our place is out of the way....So bowl 
of candy has my name on it.....!
Here are a couple of my latest paintings for your
hopefully viewing pleasure....
Wanting to share my latest paintings.....Here goes....Kitty Cat.....her name is Lola.....everyone likes Lola..........More paintings to come.............See the funny papers......Louisa